Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It's Coming. Can you See it? I Can!

Not Christmas, silly!  Everyone knows that day is coming.  I'm waiting for it to get here & blow over.

But the big event is coming.  I'm starting to feel it.  Starting to smell it like freshly baked bread that you can't see, but you know you'll be using butter on something in about 20 minutes.  The end of my 365!  While I've been dreading the daily photo for about a month now, I'm getting nostalgic about the end.  I'm working on a 365 movie & I ran it yesterday.  With Cooper on my lap, we quickly flashed through our year.  The winter went by faster than I remember.  The summer was a blink.  I remember the days I was sick.  I remember the days that I laughed too much.  I remember the days that I cried more than I should have.  Cooper took turns saying, "Remember" or "Don't remember" during the slide show.  I remembered everyday.  And yesterday I remembered the project with a fondness & joy that won't be matched in a long time.  Probably never will be.

Tomorrow, I will only have 10 photos left to snap.  Part of me is superstitious & wants to put up my "365 Thoughts" post now.  I'm afraid if I drop the camera, leave it in Target, the kids bathe it, or the dog shits on it, I'll be so devastated I won't be able to address my real feelings.  But the other part of me feels that if I do post it, one of those things will happen.  I'm not sure if I google "Clean dog shit off of camera" I'd get the answer I was looking for.  A middle ground for me will be to post some favorite photos or thoughts that came with the photo.  I'm not sure if I'll do it here or on the other blog, so add the other one to your Reader or check over there if you feel like reading about my year. 



  1. i can't wait for your finale, what a journey you've been on. i bet you didn't think you'd be where you are now when you started out. enjoy the next 10 days, it will be good, i just know it.
    thanks to YOU for being a constant inspiration & friend.

  2. Ok, so I'll start my New Year's resolution early--which is to actually comment on the blogs I enjoy following.(I also checked your other blog and the photos are wonderful.) I'm doing the 365 as well and I've been having the same nightmares. I had no idea the last days would be so nerve-racking at the end. Good luck on the home stretch.

  3. it's such an achievement, to complete a 365. i whimpered out after 2 months. who knows, maybe you'll do it again next year! :)
