Friday, December 24, 2010

3:10 365 Countdown

My 365 would not have been possible without my friends & family.  Because I really tried to take a picture of something memorable from the day, there was a lot of interrupting moments with a camera snap.  "I'll be back.  I need my camera." was said in some form at least a hundred times this year.  I'd like to think I was good at sneaking a shot, but I'm sure that wasn't the case.  Let's be honest, only I think that there's nothing wrong with a snap during dinner & only I think the shutter clicking is quiet.  I am positive this was irritating.  Thank you family & friends for putting up with this annoyance. 








Merry Christmas to you & your families!


  1. I'm not sure which one I like better: the look on Shelby's face or the look on Bridget's. Both are priceless!

  2. merry christmas you 365 rock star!
    thank you for sharing the slices of your life with us. we are all blessed for it.
